Meet Suzy!
A self-proclaimed interior stylist, creative photographer, furniture re-arranger + occasional magic maker.
I became aware a while ago that I am directly affected by my surroundings. In other words, I’m just a better person in pretty spaces. If you’re traveling with me, I’ll pay extra for the AirBnb that has the exposed shelves in the kitchen with the thoughtfully curated collection of ceramic mugs.
I’ll walk the extra mile for the coffee shop with the glass garage door so I can feel the breeze while sipping on my dry cappuccino.
It’s the little things that make the moment, don’t you think? Creating a house that feels like home lies in all the little things, too.
sweet bungalow is dedicated to giving you attainable inspiration + the confidence that you can make your spaces feel like you and feel like home. little by little.
The Sweet Bungalow story
It all started when my husband and I got our first home together. It was 720 square feet and the laundry room was in a corner of the kitchen. I found myself reimagining spaces and daydreaming about do-able ways to improve our sweet little bungalow on an even smaller budget. Little did I know those daydreams would ignite a passion and a purpose in me to create spaces that feel like home and inspire others to do the same.
Like most things, my dream started with a tiny spark (and a tiny house) and I’ve felt so alive every moment as Sweet Bungalow grows and evolves.
Thanks for being here, I hope you stay awhile!

My guilty pleasure
The Netflix show ‘Love is Blind’ and dipping sauces.
When I’m not rearranging my living room you can catch me
online shopping for more things to rearrange in my living room.
If I could snap my fingers and be anywhere in the world, I’d go to…
Kim Kardashian’s house. I just have to know if it’s really that white!!!
My favorite space to style is…
Open shelves. Of any kind.
My ideal Friday night is…
trying out a new recipe for dinner!